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Exhibitions and Performances 2020-12-16【Concert】NSYSU Choral Concert5352
Exhibitions and Performances 2020-12-09【Concert】 NSYSU Orchestra Concert4920
Exhibitions and Performances 2020-12-03【Concert】<< Metamorphosis >> The Life of Master Artist, Complete Beethoven 32 Piano Sona4838
Exhibitions and Performances 2020-11-29【Master Class】Voice Master Class_Professor Tzu-Shan Huang5030
Exhibitions and Performances 2020-11-29【Master Class】Piano Master Class_Professor Rolf-Peter Wille4921
Exhibitions and Performances 2020-11-18【Announcement】2020 Academic Year Concerto Final Competition List Announced4685
Exhibitions and Performances 2020-11-16【Lecture】Taiwanese Popular Music_ Professor Mei-Ling Shyu4999
Exhibitions and Performances 2020-11-14【Alumni】 Tea Party: Part-time teachers and alumni visit their parents’ home to celebrate Practice R4707
Exhibitions and Performances 2020-11-03【Concert】2020 Re-imagining Shakespeare- Hearing Words Envisioning Music Lecture Concert5479
Exhibitions and Performances 2020-11-01【Lecture】Taiwanese Orchestra, Tuba and Brass quintet Master Class_ Professor Fu-Hsuan Duan4874